I love teaching languages and linguistics. At the college level,
I’ve had the opportunity to teach:
As a primary instructor:
LING 133: Language, Gender and Sexuality
SPAN 1: Elementary Spanish
As a teaching assistant:
LING 20: Introduction to Linguistics
LING 50: Language and Power
LING 187: Language, Power, and Learning
LING 70: Language and Society
I’ve also taught sociolinguistics to youth in
Santa Barbara and Ventura counties through the outreach program SKILLS.
Before grad school
Before grad school, I also taught in a variety of contexts, including:
As a TESOL volunteer instructor for the Portland Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization.
As a first grade teacher at Community School 66 from 2008-2010.
As an science teacher for grades 3-6 in Nicaragua from 2010-2012 (as a Peace Corps Environmental Education volunteer).
As a methodology instructor at the José Martí teacher preparatory college in Nicaragua in 2013 (also as a Peace Corps volunteer).